
CK2 Game of Thrones: Bloodstone Heir #10 - Yi-Ti Civil War (Series A)

CK2 Game of Thrones: Bloodstone Heir #10 - Yi-Ti Civil War (Series A) Help keep the channel alive and uncensored over at Patreon!

PO Box Information:

Far in the East lies the Golden Empire of Yi-Ti - rich beyond imagination, whose cities make even King's Landing look like nothing more than a hamlet. But the Golden Empire has not always been steeped in decadence and glory.

Thousands of years before our character was born, two children were born to the sixth Yi-Tish Emperor, a daughter and a son. The daughter was chosen to rule for her fairness, but the son's ambition led him to slay his sister in a night known as the Blood Betrayal. Having usurped the throne, the man became renowned as the "Bloodstone Emperor" not just due to his kinslaying, but also due to his use of dark magic, cannibalism, and worship of a strange black stone send from the heavens by the Dark Entities.

We play as the final known descendant of the Bloodstone Emperor, whose family has faced persecution and torment from the bitter people of the Golden Empire for thousands of years. Will we try to redeem the dynasty and redeem ourselves in the eyes of the Yi-Tish people, or will we follow the path of our ancestors and become the true successor to the legacy of the Bloodstone Emperor.

=== Full mod list ===

Main mods featuring:
A Game of Thrones V2.0:

Created by AGOT Dev Team

More Bloodlines Submod (HIGHLY recommended):

Created by rufff1

Bloodstone Emperor's Legacy
Created by Roll1D2Games (Me btw)

Including such mods as:

A Revolutionary Borders Mod
Created by Kryo

Artifact Search
Created by lgc.Lione

Bigger Interface
Created by Kamufen

Decisive Battles
Created by Pzyber

Interface: Century Gothic
Created by Olympian

Interface: Stellaris Colors
Created by Olympian

Favor: Impossible Invitation Warning
Created by Dratoran

Created by Kewsor

Roll's Community Traits Mod
Created by Roll1D2Games

Artifact Acquisition and Overhaul
Created by Auirus

Larger Artifacts Menu
Created by Tonnes

More Buildable Wonders - NEW Great Works [✔️HIP]
Created by CaesarTheRoman

Visible Health And Fertility
Created by Dratoran

=== Links ===

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PO Box 204

=== Legal ===

Crusader Kings II and related properties are
Copyright © Paradox Interactive AB.
As per;

References to A Game of Thrones, A Song of Ice and Fire, and all related works are properties of GRRM and licenced by HBO

Music from
"Getting it Done" by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (


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