The discussion took place at Fixfest 2019, 21 September 2019 at TU Berlin.
The session aims at presenting and discussing ideas and best practice cases from across Europe, where department stores serve for repair, re-use and sale of second hand and upcycled goods. While De Kringwinkel in Belgium and/or ReTuna in Sweden might be examples well-known across Europe, also regional efforts are underway in Germany, for instance in Berlin. The initiators and owners of these branches are just as diverse as the various branch concepts and business models. In this context, the plenary session shall serve to discuss a variety of ideas, practice examples and challenges of using department stores to foster repair and reuse throughout Europe.
Participants: Mathieu Rama (rreuse), Isabel Ordonez (CURE/Haus der Materialisierung), Katharina Dutz (Uni Oldenburg/Reparaturzentrum Oldenburg)
Moderation: Martin Hirschnitz-Garbers, Re-Use Berlin
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