
Making an Attempt to Stop My Boredom - Beat Saber - Panic at the Disco

Making an Attempt to Stop My Boredom - Beat Saber - Panic at the Disco My dumbass forgot to mute the headset microphone so we got epic cuts of my breathing, hell yeah (sarcasm in case you’re dense and can’t tell). Bit of extra, unnecessary info too, this was all recorded on the PlayStation 4 capture, why? Because I don’t have the necessary hardware nor software. I’ve just played beat saber as a hobby and decided, why not upload something, see how it does. The Vive certainly will have better quality I’m video and gameplay, the PSVR is incredibly limited with the light tracking system, makes for that slight lag that stops more exact movement and speeds, but I got what I got, and I enjoy it, not exactly trying to be some pro. Anyway, if you spent the time reading this, thanks, kinda a waste of time but eh, if this gets any attention I might do more

Beat Saber

#PS4share,PlayStation 4,Sony Interactive Entertainment,Beat Saber,Shadowcrow115,

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