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#lawofattraction #spirituality #awakening
This video I'm going to show you spiritual awakening, which is the number one shift in identity you will ever have in your life. I'm going to show you how to go about this process in an easier way and exactly what to do to expand yourself to a new level of reality.
Welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness and on this video I am going to be sharing with you that of understanding identity, the shift in identity. I would say anything from my life that has transformed my life has been not a shift in just the action I'm taking.....,
Not a shift just in a couple of thoughts that I think.....it's a shift in who I believe that I am and when I look at all the shifts in my life. Okay, let's talk about like back in the day, you probably know my story cause I've talked about it a lot on YouTube cause I got over 1000 videos on YouTube and therefore there's some repetition.
You know what I mean? First one is have ADHD. Okay. I believed I did. I went to a doctor, they said, yo, this is what you got. I said, okay. So then I went about it and I had a lot of energy and I told myself that story and that was my reality on autopilot. Then I learned meditation.
I learned how to observe those thoughts. I then started to redefine myself and within a couple of weeks I no longer needed Adderall, which had the heart side effects that you can't eat very much, you can't sleep very much, and what I ended up doing is getting rid of that, just let it go, and I started to meditate.
Then I started to observe that belief.....I started to observe who I thought I was. I would then went through a spiritual awakening that changed my whole entire life. So that was one level of part of my identity that was shifted.
I reframed it.....a lot of these identity shifts will be reframed as well. Then I thought I wasn't worthy because of my past. Well, I changed the way that I relate to it. I realized that my past pain led me to a spiritual awakening. So in a weird way, I was actually very grateful for it.
When I talk about me going daily on YouTube, and you've probably heard me tell the story, same thing. I had a job I didn't care about. I saw myself as a nine to five employee and then I changed. My identity said no matter what, I'm going to make videos every single day on YouTube no matter what until I'm a full time YouTuber.
I did that for five or six months. I was working full time and making videos full time, but I became a full time YouTuber. So it's a shift in identity. I wasn't also making videos because then I could finally not have a job I didn't care about. I was making daily videos because I realized it's who I really am. I make videos, I share content.
That's my level of identity. So identity shifting and shifting your identity in general is all about letting go of what doesn't serve and then being the vibration that you prefer to be in being who you really are meant to be, but letting go of certain parts of your, your identity that don't serve is the way of getting out of that limitation.
Now I made this handy dandy chart here to show why and what I think the biggest shift you will ever have in your life and guess what? It's happening in mass amount of levels on the planet. I was at the sauna earlier today talking to somebody that was telling me he was, at first he was kind of, you know, he kind of started to share about him going through a metaphysical transformation, all this stuff.
You can always tell too, cause people are normally, they don't want to get too in say too much because they, they're used to people kind of be like, Whoa, that's weird. But then he saw that I was totally for it. I was like, yeah, I was like blah blah blah. Of course. And then he was like opening up out. Yeah. I used to be around a lot of people that weren't awake and this buddy of mine said there's a consciousness shift happening.....
Adventures by A Himitsu
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Music released by Argofox
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