गिरधर सिंह रांदा हमेशा से Government Job पाना चाहते थे. पर गरीबी के कारण उन्हें छोटी उम्र में ही अपने परिवार की ज़िम्मेदारी उठानी पड़ी. गिरधर दिन में स्कूल जाते और शाम को अपने परिवार के लिए पैसे कमाने के लिए निकल जाते. गरीबी के वजह से उनके जीवन में कई चुनौतियां आई पर उन्होनें हार नहीं मानी. वो हर चुनौती से लड़ते रहे. जब गिरधर बड़े हुए तो उनके बड़े भाई ने आत्महत्या कर ली. जिस कारण गिरधर को बड़ा सदमा पंहुचा. पर उन्होनें अपनी हिम्मत को टूटने नहीं दिया.
गिरधर Government job की तैयारी मे लग गए. अपने इस सपने को पूरा करने के दौरान गिरधर करीब 21 बार Government exam में फेल हुए. पर उन्होनें हर हार के बाद अपनी मेहनत को दौगुना कर दिया और आज वे ग्राम विकास अधिकारी के पद पर कार्यरत हैं.
इस जोश Talk में देखिये कैसे गिरधर ने हर चुनौती को पार कर अपने सपने को पूरा किया.
Struggles are part of life. People don’t achieve success overnight. It is always a product of many years’ struggle and people who fight challenges with all their strength and willpower to achieve success in their life. Girdhar’s story is one such story of struggle to success.
Girdhar Singh Randa always wanted to become a Govt. Officer. However, due to poor financial conditions he used to odd jobs after school. Girdhar was managing his studies and family responsibilities from a very young age. But that didn't stop him from working hard towards his goal. When he grew up, his elder brother committed suicide. It came as a shock to him but he turned his struggles into fuel and was determined to change the situation of his family. He started giving govt. exam and failed in almost 21 exams. Even after, failing in many attempts, he didn’t lose his hope and cleared the exam. Today he is working as Rural Development Officer.
Watch the inspirational journey of Girdhar Singh Randa how he cracked the Exam and changed his failures into success story. He assures, if you have dedication, time management and determination, you can crack any exam.
If you are trying to find answers to questions such as how to become successful, how one can build a never give up attitude and how you can believe in yourself to achieve dreams.
Find all your answers in this Inspirational Josh Talks.
Josh Talks passionately believes that a well-told story has the power to reshape attitudes, lives, and ultimately, the world. We are on a mission to find and showcase the best motivational stories from across India through documented videos and live events held all over the country. What started as a simple conference is now a fast growing media platform that covers the most innovative rags to riches success stories with speakers from every conceivable background, including entrepreneurship, women’s rights, public policy, sports, entertainment and social initiatives. With 7 regional languages in our ambit, our stories and speakers echo one desire: to inspire action. Our goal is to unlock the potential of passionate young Indians from rural and urban areas by inspiring them to overcome the setbacks they face in their career and helping them discover their true calling in life.
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