Looking to get more flexible?
Take The Challenge And Discover The Secret Stretching Technique That Got Me To Touch My Toes and Almost Get Into The Splits In 30 Days After 20 Years Of No Progress...
The only thing I did was 16 training sessions applying a secret stretching technique that I NEVER heard of (inspite my 20+ years of training...)
The specific method I studied to get there is what I now teach my students— it’s how we finalise every class (takes only 10 minutes).
And you can learn it too...
Throughout the 30-Day Split Challenge you get access to 40+ videos containing tweaks, hacks, background info and training advice that are all "obvious AJ value adds" as Mats Vindefjärd calls it.
AJ van Dijk
Founder of The Digi Dojo
Chief Instructor Wadokai Holland
Chief Instructor Kenshinkai Kobudo Europe