

||EFFECTIVE WAYS TO STUDY|| Effective Ways to Study

1 Get in a positive mindset. You need to be in as positive a mindset as possible when you sit down to study. If you are emotionally distracted, you will be less effective at learning and retaining information. Try to think positively while studying, and don’t compare yourself to others.[2]

• Try saying something positive to yourself before you being studying, like, “I am going to ace this exam!”

2 Find a quiet study spot with minimal distractions. Where you study affects how effective your study sessions are. If you are distracted by television, the Internet, or your roommate, you won’t study as effectively as you would in a quiet place with fewer distractions.[3]

• Take advantage of the library. Find a cozy spot with light foot traffic and start studying.

3 Study in intervals. Long, extended study sessions with no breaks will not help you learn information effectively. To be an effective learner, you will need to take regular breaks as you work. Try studying in 30 minutes intervals, and taking a 5-10 minute break at the end of each interval.[4]

• If you find that your concentration is starting to falter, you may have to pause studying for the day or switch to a different subject.

• Do something relaxing during your break that doesn't take too much concentration, such as stretching or walking.

4 Use as many senses as possible. Some people retain information better if multiple senses are engaged in the study process. One way to incorporate multiple senses while studying is by reading your notes out loud as you rewrite them. This approach uses multiple senses and might help you retain information more effectively.

5 Rewrite your own notes. When you rewrite your notes, you are reiterating information that you are already familiar with. This repetition can help you recall information from the notes more effectively. Try writing a copy of your notes before an exam or quiz to help you remember the information.

6 Create a study plan. Once you figure out what you need to study and how you will take advantage of the resources at your disposal, sit down and make a study schedule. Block out periods of time within your schedule to dedicate to studying and stick to the plan

अध्ययन करने के प्रभावी तरीके

1 एक सकारात्मक मानसिकता में जाओ।

2 कम से कम विकर्षण के साथ एक शांत अध्ययन स्थान खोजें।

3 अंतराल में अध्ययन।

4 जितना संभव हो उतने होश का उपयोग करें।

5 अपने खुद के नोट्स फिर से लिखना

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