

GLOBAL CURRENCY RESET, ECONOMIC COLLAPSE & STOCK MARKET CRASH a certainty. #CascadaCafeRetiro #ExpatTourism #WithinMyPower

The coming economic collapse is being discussed more and more. Many believe that this economic collapse will trigger the next Global Currency Reset.
We can see from graphs and these pictures that every couple of hundred years there is a change is the world currency dating back to Ancient Rome.
The US dollar will soon lose its place as the global reserve currency. Gold, and probably some cryptocurrency will be used as the new world standard.
Allies countries came together in Mt. Washington Hotel, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in July 1944 and drew up the Bretton Woods agreement which ditched the gold standard which existed up until that moment.
The also created the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank. These two institutions were tasked with monitoring this new system.
This new monetary system was a great benefit to the US. The dollar appeared in all central banks around the world.
In 1971, President Nixon stopped the global gold backing of the US dollar completely, initially saying it was only a temporary measure. Well this temporary Nixon shock, is still here today.
Since then, the dollar and all other world currencies, exist without any support from a hard asset such as gold.
Because of this act, the world today has a lot more debt than assets. The system died back in the 2008 financial crisis, but has been kept on life support for over 11 years.
The concept of Global currency reset has been strengthened since then. Global Currency Reset refers to a process where the US dollar will eventually lose its place as the global currency. Instead gold or some other instrument will be used as the new standard.
The Federal Reserve is not an American public institution, it is not American, has NO reserves and it does not store America’s gold reserves.
Since the creation of the Federal Reserve, a secretive entity established in 1913, the dollar has lost more than 96% of its value. The worth of the dollar has been eroded by inflation.
The Us debt is over $22 trillion and exponentially growing everyday.
Sooner or later someone has to pay this debt. Many of us are hoping it will be up to our children and grand children, but I am convinced that we, the blessed generation has to face the music and soon, very soon.
The 2008 financial crisis which started with the mortgage debacle was a flag signaling a move away from the dollar.
The quantitative easing skyrocketed the debt form 900 billion to 4.5 trillion between 2009 and 2015. Other countries started to diversify their foreign exchange reserve and decrease their dependence on the dollar.
In the first quarter of 2019, global debt reached $246.5 trillion.
This is a chart of debt to GDP of most populous countries. US is at 106.5 just behind Japan.
This can’t go on forever. The whole world will be suffering, nobody, absolutely nobody, will escape the fires that will spread over the whole world
The central bank said: Gold could serve as a “trust anchor” for a renewed international monetary system, in the event of a “global reset”.
Central banks have been holding gold for years because gold is the trust anchor for the financial system. If the whole system collapses, the gold stock provides a colateral to start over.
So we need to consider two questions: What is the reset that catalyzes the collapse of the financial system? and What are the consequences of this reset?
For more details and answers on this topic Subscribe to: financial argument on You tube. This is where this information comes from.
Vladimir Lenin once said: The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency - subject it to an unsustainable level of government debt, then increase the money supply such that the value of the currency drops sharply.
Most people do not understand that they need to own physical gold and copy what the bankers are doing.
It is a 100% certainty that the reset will happen and gold will play a very important role in the transition to a new world currency.
Please share this video with your friends and family.
Further, I invite YOU to come to the Colombian Coffee farm called #CascadaCafeRetiro in Popayán, Colombia.
I am offering the first 5 day workshop on the “Evolution of #HumanConsciousness” February 3-7, 2020 in English and March 2-6, 2020 in Spanish.
Physical, emotional and mental preparations are extremely important but all of that, is not enough. We must first understand “WHO WE ARE” and WHY Are WE HERE on EARTH at this TIME.

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