#physicsunsolved #ep05
If there’s one thing the mainstream media loves, it’s scientific discoveries that can be twisted just right so they become clickbait. Like when CNN wrote that Hungarian scientists may have found a “fifth force of nature.”
And...when they said that this mysterious, unseen fifth force — cue Star Wars reference — was photophobic and afraid of light. Hold up. For one, it’s actually a “protophobic force,” per the paper, and it’s not “afraid” of anything. Particles don’t have feelings based on what we can tell.
A recent development in this area is exciting, but the article that went viral botched the explanation so much that it does a dis-service to the topic. Let's explore what actually happened, and how a recent experiment with Helium may lead us closer to determining whether or not there is a fifth fundamental force out there, and if this is a connection to the dark matter mystery.
"New evidence supporting the existence of the hypothetic X17 particle," Krasznahorkay et al (2019):
"Evidence for a Protophobic Fifth Force from 8Be Nuclear Transitions," Feng et al (2016):
"Evidence of a ‘Fifth Force’ Faces Scrutiny," Quanta Magazine:
It's Bloody Science! LLC created the narration and editing of this video. All other images, sounds, music and video clips are freely available in the public domain or Creative Commons licenses, or are licensed via Powtoon software or the YouTube Audio Library.
Song no. 1: Generations Away, Unicorn Heads — freely available for use and monetization.
Song no. 2: Sunshower, LATASHA — freely available for use and monetization.
Song no. 3: Dusk, DivKid — freely available for use and monetization.