
Indiegogo allows Comicsgate special privilege of 2nd Campaign

Indiegogo allows Comicsgate special privilege of 2nd Campaign I invite you to support my Kickstarter for White Lily #4:

As predicted, in a prior video, this week saw a great deal of drama surrounding Mitch Breitweiser’s campaign for Futurists: Norah’s Saga. On Monday, Ethan continued to discuss a conspiracy against artist Allegiane Arts Artist Kelsey Shannon and ended his stream to coordinate with the open of Mitch Breitweiser’s “Free Kelsey” stream where Ethan’s listeners were urged to go.

Once there, Mr. Breitweiser spun the tale of a bright future with his artist, Kelsey Shannon, whom Mr. Breitweiser dubbed an up and coming Jack Kirby. As they told it, there were going to return comics to a major retailer shelves where their had been none in three decades and the backers would get their book as part of this major retailer shift. The fact that Marvel and DC comics and trade paper backs have been sold in retail chains was not the only thing being ignored on that live stream as roughly 30 respondents were booted from chat for asking about why their Red Rooster fulfilled was being delayed.

Still, even the drama did profit the Breitweiser’s campaign… slightly. Backer Tracker has been projecting them to finish at $37,500 and that estimate has now been raised to $38,200. The reward packages being offered by Futurists involve the fulfillment of three separate comic books, which, as a comic creator myself, I would estimate that the art costs of these comics to be in the ballpark of the money that the project intends to raise.

A source close to the Breitweisers indicated a high likelihood that they had already consumed all of the money from the Red Rooster campaign in through a combination of their ambitious business plans and their lavish lifestyle. Mr. Breitweiser was apparently relieved to hear from Ethan Van Sciver that Mr. Van Sciver had reached a standing deal with Indiegogo to allow creators of Mr. Van Sciver’s choosing to run a second campaign without fulfilling the first. However, with the poor performance and high cost to fulfill of Futurists, that would seem to leave the Brietweiser’s in need of a cash infusion to get Red Rooster finished as well as to get the books printed and fulfilled.

When asked for a comment, Indiegogo only offered that such a deal with Comicsgate creators was confidential and could not be discussed. However, it clearly does occur as Comicsgate Creator Gilbert Deltrez was allowed to launch his campaign for “The Deep Dark” this week after just concluding his campaign for “Galactic Rodents of Mayhem” only earlier this month.

The amount of money afforded to a struggling creator by being allowed to run a second campaign on Indiegogo no doubt figures into the loyalty tests that Mr. Van Sciver tends to run. The second campaign being the carrot while the cyber harassment of War Campaign functions as the stick.

Comic Books,Comicsgate,Ethan Van Sciver,Indiegogo,Gilbert Deltrez,Mitch Breitweiser,Red Rooster,Futurists: Norah's Saga,War Campaign,Kelsey Shannon,Free Kelsey,

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