
Strange, Dark Like Fog,Paranormal Activity Coming Down On The Road. 11|7|2019

Strange,  Dark Like Fog,Paranormal Activity Coming Down On The Road. 11|7|2019 It had not been raining that day or night at all. I have been noticing this strange activity for quite some time now. I've seen Cracks appear on the road while I was driving, sink holes appear out of no where. I've see what appears to look like dark blood patterns all over the road. Splats of dark liquid showing up on the roads. I've seen the asphalt ripple up with my own eyes I've seen it melt even. I know all of this sounds crazy but I've got proof of everything I say. Many videos. I just don't know how to explain it or out into the right words. This really is happening at a constant everywhere, all around us. I know im not the only one who seeing these kinds of things happening. Especially the roads. I see the paranormal in the air. It's all coming from above and moving down slowly and making different patterns, some are ginormous some not so much. It's like like something we cannot see falling to the ground and leave all these patterns and Splats on everything it hits. I see it happening I see what I think is causing it. It looks to me as if it's some shadowy dark fog or haze that's causing this . I don't know all I know is that I've been seeing this happening for awhile now. I'm not crazy.


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