
Taekwondo Belts and Ranks Explained - All Organizations (WT, ITF, ATA)

Taekwondo Belts and Ranks Explained - All Organizations (WT, ITF, ATA) How many belt colors are there in taekwondo?

Many people are confused about the ranking system in taekwondo. This video explains why there are 3 different belt systems in taekwondo.
There are 3 governing bodies regulating taekwondo in the world:
World Taekwondo (WT formerly known as WTF)
International Taekwon-do Federation (ITF)
American Taekwondo Association (ATA)

Each one of these 3 organizations has its own belt system.

World Taekwondo (WT):

White Belt
Yellow Belt
Orange Belt
Green Belt
Purple Belt
Blue Senior Belt
Brown Belt
Brown Senior Belt
Red Belt
Junior Black Belt

International Taekwon-do Federation (ITF):

White Belt (10th Geup)
Yellow stripe (9th Geup)
Yellow Belt (8th Geup)
Green stripe (7th Geup)
Green Belt (6th Geup)
Blue stripe (5th Geup)
Blue Belt (4th Geup)
Red Stripe (3rd Geup)
Red Belt (2nd Geup)
Black Stripe (1st Geup)
Black belt

American Taekwondo Association (ATA)
White Belt
Orange Belt
Yellow Belt
Camouflage Belt
Green Belt
Purple Belt
Blue Belt
Brown Belt
Red Belt
Black Belt

Also, there are plenty of educational articles about taekwondo on our website

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