
'the GLOSSA channel' reveals widespread government corruption

'the GLOSSA channel' reveals widespread government corruption The Queensland so-called 'government' should be permanently outed, ousted and punished...

This is just the beginning. It has been a very long story and it is far from over - we will bring you many more revelations.

Please be patient - getting this information out to our beloved viewers and followers takes time.

More soon... contact us (via e mail) at:

Stewart Swerdlow,Committee of 300,Bohemian Grove,Trilateral Commission,strawman,common law,Rom Stover,Romley Stewart,Rohan Lorian,glossa,the GLOSSA channel,ASL,American Sign Language,Dog Latin,illuminati,NWO,New World Order,satanism,Alex Jones,info wars,infowars,Bilderberg,Justinian,Emperor Justinian,Jordan Maxwell,David Icke,Fritz Springmeier,Bill Cooper,militia movement,sovereign citizens,QLD,Queensland,

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