
The orthodox turned sane not for himself but for the people inflicting the complete faith in Christ

The orthodox turned sane not for himself but for the people inflicting the complete faith in Christ St paul the orthodox believer of Judaism and the one who persecuted and put in prison the believers of christ, once turned to be a christian believer and became an ardent and faithfull preacher of christ's teachings After getting turned to be a believer in christ He gives an account of changes in him and an affidavit about his work to bring peace and spiritual prosperity among people but in christ's Gospel.
I will be just as daring. Are they Hebrews? So am I
Are they Isrealites so am I
Are they the descendants of Abraham So am I
Are they chris'ts servants So am I but i am a better servant than they are.
I have been in prison for more times
Whipped more often.
Near to death more often
Five times i have been given the thirtynine lashes by the Jews
Three times i was whipped by the Romans and once I was stoned
I had been in three shipwrecks and once i spent 24 hours in watter.
In my many travels I had been in danger from floods and from robbers, in danger from fellow Jews
There have been dangers in cities, dangers in the wilds, dangers on the high seas, dangers from false friends.
There has been work and toil. Often i have gone without sleep. I, have been hungry and thirsty, without enough food, shelter or clothing
And not to mention other things I am under the pressure of my concerns
All for to bring the people in peace.and hormony and to live in christ.
Narrated from Bible by Amichael dhanaraj, South India 18.11 2019.


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