
Best Arena Defense? - Marvel Strike Force

Best Arena Defense? -  Marvel Strike Force Showed this on stream the other night, but here's another video highlighting it. If you have these characters built, please let me know how it works for you! Obviously it won't work against a 7 red phoenix, but what can ya do about that? *shrug*

This is a fun comp I came up with while chatting in our alliance discord. I have known about the Hela/Vision Ability Block combo for a while now, but I think it really shines when you pair Mr Sinister with it, because it prevents him from cloning an ultron bot. This comp is a real pain to deal with, and as you can see, the fight can go poorly if you play it wrong.

Got questions? Hit me up on Discord Dutchrudders#9597

Want to see my roster? Check out my manual document of it here:


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