
Everything Will Be Okay — A Solution To Article 13

Everything Will Be Okay — A Solution To Article 13 Please share this video and the information in it if you’d like to be able to share content to countries in the EU that are affected be Article 13, and it’s new restrictions involving permission. Thank you.

My permission:

In order to protect the use of my content from Article 13 I’ve written my consent as follows below. If you would personally like me to message you this information, tag my name below this comment. Thank you.
I, Jared Emmons, as the creator of Skyscape TCG, allow all persons to showcase my content in their own videos for reviews, openings, shoutouts, explanations, fan art, fan content, and talk of new rulings and gameplay of this game for all of its players. Thank you.

Disclaimer: This does not protect an individual who uses this content in their own videos against use of adult language, profanity, nudity, copyright infringements, or adult and inappropriate content. Those responsibilities fall upon each content creator to uphold.


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