
James White on Matthew Hall's apparent CRT Confusion.

James White on Matthew Hall's apparent CRT Confusion. From a video on November 26, 2019, James White provides his review of Matthew Hall's commentary on CRT and discusses the apparent contradiction of his previous statements on the matter. Dr White also addresses Jon Harris' 10 questions which may help us understand whether MH is confused, a liar, or simply a double-minded man.

Is Matt Hall confused?
Is Matt Hall a liar?
Is Matt Hall a double-minded man?

James White also discusses Jon Harris' excellent questions which Matt Hall should answer to provide clarification:

Questions for Matt Hall (from John Harris)
1. Do you still consider yourself to be a racist
2. Do you believe there is structural racism in the US, and if so where?
3. If you believe there is, who is guilty of structural oppression?
4. Do you believe multi-ethnicity should be a pursuit of the church?
5. If so, why?
6. Do you believe race ought to be taken into consideration when hiring church workers?
7. Do you reject Resolution 9?
8. Do you reject your previous statements in favor of CRT?
9. Can you define “whiteness”?
10. Do you believe Critical Race Theory can be used if subordinate to the Gospel?

Link to the complete video from James White:

Link to the Matt Hall article:


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