
15 Red Flags That You're Dealing With An Effboy 🚩

15 Red Flags That You're Dealing With An Effboy 🚩 15 Red Flags That You’re Dealing With An Effboy

1. Effboys “Don’t Like Labels”

2. Effboys “Don’t Know” What They’re Looking For

3. Effboys Want Things To Happen “Naturally”

4. Effboys Only Text You The Day Of To “Hang”

5. Effboy Call You “Baby” Too Early In The Game

6. Effboys Love Bomb You: They Pursue You Hard, Then Disappear After Bone-Town

7. Effboys Breadcrumb You: They Text You To Stay On Your Radar But Never Make Actual Plans

8. Effboys Are In-n-Out (And Not The Good Kind)

9. Effboys Always Keep You In The Dark

10. Effboys Only See You When It’s Convenient

11. Effboys Don’t Include You In Their Lives – You’re Their “After-Plan”

12. Effboys Ask You To “Hang” Instead Of On A Date

13. Effboys Are Flaky Mudafudas

14. Effboys Act Thirsty On Instagram

15. Effboys Use the Phrase, “C’mon Babe, Just The Tip"

Special gracias to @babynag_50 for the video editing and awesome intro animation and to @auralponic for that baller intro beat!! You freakaleaks rock! 🤘💥

Comment or DM me (@alina.vergara) all questions related to: Relationships, Dating, Sex, Friendships, Conflict Resolution, Following your Passions, Living Boldly, Living with Integrity, Law of Attraction, Self-Love, and More!

Would love to offer insight on this channel to help in any way that I can :)
A-Dawg (aka Alina 😉)

Relationships,Dating,Sex,Friendships,Conflict Resolution,Following your Passions,Living Boldly,Living with Integrity,Law of Attraction,Self-Love,Fuckboy,Fuckboys,Instagram,Social Media,Lables,Progressive,Lol,Funny,Hilarious,Animation,Freak in da Sheetz!,Freak in the sheets,kinky,kink,date,taboo,taboo topics,Love,Boyfriend,Girlfriend,Monogamous,Polyamorous,Sexy,Fun,Silly,Goofy,Sassy,Self-Help,Boundaries,comedy,entertainment,lolz,Millenials,Gen-X,Gen-Xers,Gen-Z,Gen-Zers,Millenial,

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