1. Regulates blood pressure!
According to scientific research, the coumarin contained in the carrot reduces hypertension and protects your heart health. In fact, thanks to the rich potassium contained in the carrot, the tension of blood vessels and arteries is balanced and so on the blood circulation is increased. Thus, stress, the main enemy of the human being, which increases the function of the organs in the body and damages the cardiovascular system, is reduced!
2. Rich in vitamins!
87% of the carrot consists of a large portion of water. Due to the beta-carotene and orange pigments, when you consume a lot of carrots, your skin may become slightly orange! Of course, there is no harm. Carrot, being the best root vegetable, has high content of fiber. In addition, it is very rich in vitamins and also antioxidants, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, niacin, K, C,. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 can also be taken from carrots in sufficient amounts; but only if you eat it without peeling!
3. Improves vision!
Due to the deficiency of vitamin A, we may encounter some visual difficulties, especially in dim light. According to the research conducted by JULES STEIN Institute of CALIFORNIA UNIVERSITY; in people who consume at least two or more per week, the rate of glaucoma is significantly reduced compared to those who do not. Glaucoma, known as eye pressure, causes damage to the visual nerve and a gradual decrease in vision due to the frequent increase in pressure within the eye. Thanks to the vitamin A contained in carrots, it prevents eye dryness by ensuring that the eyes remain moist.
4. Good for your skin!
Carrot contains vitamin C and antioxidants to keep your skin healthy, moist and alive. At the same time consuming water is very effective in removing skin spots and wounds. Thanks to its high vitamin C content, it helps to produce collagen as well as prevents wrinkles and delays skin aging. In addition, carrots are high in Beta-Carotene and because of that, the skin tissues can be renewed at a significantly amount and a great protection against the harmful rays of the sun is provided.
5. Reduces the risk of stroke!
Following the research conducted by Harvard University in 2008, it is found that people who consume carrots have a 67% lower risk of stroke than those who do not. Carrots are rich in antioxidants, which prevent the formation of blood clots and provide blood circulation. Thus, the risk of paralysis is minimized.
6. Helps Prevent Memory Loss
Carrots protect brain health thanks to the vitamins it contains. This vegetable, which has a positive effect on nerve cells, helps to repair damaged brain cells to a great extent. As a result of a research, it has been proven that carrots help in memory loss which can happen due to certain impacts or aging, and thus it can protect brain health against dementia. At the same time consuming carrots and its juice helps keep our brain and body fit and increases resistance against stress.
Keep in mind; carrots are one of the most consumed vegetables in the world. They are delicious and it is possible to consume them in many different ways. In order to make the most of it, carrots should be consumed raw and shelled. Drinking carrot juice also helps to protect your body from many diseases. According to health and food experts, it is very useful to consume at least 2 carrots per day!
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