
Do This 20-Second Crash Course And Get Yourself Transformed In Just Two Weeks! A Talk by Sadhguru

Do This 20-Second Crash Course And Get Yourself Transformed In Just Two Weeks! A Talk by Sadhguru In this video, I talk about the importance of the time before you go to bed and the time after you fall asleep. If you are a Spiritual Seeker, then you must be careful about how you spend your time before you go to bed in the night and after you wake up in the morning. It's because these are two crucial times when your mind is in the most receptive state, and so anything you put into it at these two times will go very deep into it, deep into the depth of the unconscious layers of the mind. So just have a close look at what you do during these two times. Most of the people are hooked on to their TV sets or to their cellphones before they go to bed, and this is what they also do when they wake up, so no wonder they don't wake up fresh even after 8-10 long hours of sleep. It happens because what you do just before you go to bed will continue in the subconscious layer of your mind even after you've fallen asleep, and because of this, your mind remains in continuous activity and this continuous activity of the mind dissipates your precious energy and because of this you don't wake up fresh even after long hours of sleep. And this is also a hindrance on your Spiritual path, because what goes on in your mind shapes your whole personality and makes you do what you do, so try to make sure that you do something which is conducive to your Spiritual Growth, like reading some spiritual text, or hearing talks of Spiritual Master that you follow. And so when you fall asleep reading spiritual text or hearing the talks of the Spiritual Master, then those thoughts will continue even in your sleep. If you ponder over the thoughts of Spiritual text or the Spiritual master, you will notice that it leads to the reduction in the number of thoughts in your mind. This is the difference between a thought which contains this world and the thought which pertains to your Real Nature. Thoughts which are concerned with the world, will always multiply, one thought will lead to another thought which in turn will lead to another one and so on and so forth whereas the thoughts from the Spiritual Text or from an Enlightened Master will reduce the number of thoughts in your mind, if you ponder over them, if you contemplate on them. This is what mantras do. You go on chanting the Mantra given by your Spiritual master, and what it does is that it reduces the number of thoughts in your mind, and a time comes when this mantra alone remains in your mind, and then this mantra also disappears, leaving you in the Company of Divine, leaving you in the Company of the Infinite. For more, kindly watch my video!

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I've used Sadhguru's content in my video with his kind permission.

About Sadhguru:
Sadhguru, a yogi and profound mystic of our times, is a visionary humanitarian and a prominent spiritual leader. A contemporary Guru, rooted as strongly in mundane and pragmatic matters as he is in inner experience and wisdom, Sadhguru works tirelessly towards the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all. His mastery of the mechanisms of life, an outcome of his profound experience of the Self, guides in exploring the subtler dimensions of life.

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