www.GoodMorningGwinnett.com A Gwinnett County ethics board assembled to hear Dustin Inman Society founder D.A. King's ethics complaint against county Commissioner Marlene Fosque decided Monday that she did commit two of the six allegations made against her and is recommending she receive a written warning from her colleagues.
The matter will now go to Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners for a final decision on the issue. Although the complaint specifies a "written warning," ethics board Chairman David Will said the Board of Commissioners is free to decide whether it should be a written or verbal warning.
The complaint was in response to remarks Fosque made about Sheriff Butch Conway inviting King to participate in a 287(g) forum that the commissioner hosted in July. Conway was tasked with providing three pro-287(g) panelists for the event.
"While the overwhelming majority of Commissioner Fosque's actions in conceiving, planning, salvaging and conducting the forum are highly commendable and reflect a welcomed commitment to the county and its residents, her (Aug. 6, 2019) comments fall short of the 'earnest effort and best thought' required by (the ethics code's) Section 54-24(4) and amount to 'conduct ... unbecoming to a member [of the Board of Commissioners]' within the meaning of Section 54-24(11)," the ethics board said in its decision.
SOURCE: www.GwinnettDailyPost.com
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