but you can't
or will not be able to take that decision
cause your decision muscle is weak.
Hassan, you crazy man... decision is a muscle?
Hear me out...
you've been exercising dependency all your life
mama used to choose for you what to eat
and now your friends do
mama used to choose what you wear
and now Instagram recommendation for the latest fashion does
mama used to tell you when go to bed
And now Netflix is forcing you to stay up
Mama used to shower you with love
Now all the strangers on the internet do
And off the internet too
Wipe that smile of your face... it was never you
Thinking you’re some sort of a master in Kung Fu
Habibi wake up... you are a slave in a crew
A zombie that grew, delusional, thinking they knew
Everything he did, and what she’s been through
Robotic programming waiting for the cue
Thinking what you are saying is a point of view
When you are just a drop in a system of revenue
Oh My Allah, this feels like deja vu
No it is not, I’m independent, i have a voice, a choice I’m twenty two
I’ll Let you in on a sneak preview
Rewind this video, restart the show
Watch it slowly and try to glue
All the pieces together, and tell me will you
Unplug your brain from the grid for a day or two?
Discover life around you wearing your baby shoe
Cause this is how you make tomorrow a better day
This is how you’ll be your own guru
ساعد بترجمة المقطع :
Gabeel Merchandise | مشتريات القبيلة
اشتركوا بالقناة الرئيسية زان و حسان:
#TomorrowIsABetterDay #HassanAlsheikh #HassanAlsheikhTalks #HATs #BokraA7la