
Future Wars 9: Realize the Sublime

Future Wars 9: Realize the Sublime This animated video was loosely influenced by the Netflix series "Stranger Things", which I am a fan of, but the dialogue and script to this movie was ENTIRELY written by me alone. The music, artwork, and set design are original creations by me alone, also, at Gnome King productions by Chris Rawlings. It's the first video I've recorded, edited, and produced in the year 2020 so I dedicate this one to everyone who wants peace, justice, and an end to war in these troubling times. I honestly imagined how the war in the Middle East might escalate to apocalyptic proportions in the distant future.

series,Original,Science-Fiction,Special Effects,Stop Motion,Animation,Action Figures,Toys,Soundtrack,Music,Video Production,Laser,Robots,Stranger Things,Fan Fiction,Dialogue,Drama,Television,Action,Cobra,G.I.Joe,Set,Design,Comedy,Future,World War,Spaceship,War,Cats,Neon,Artwork,Keyboard,Solo,Fireworks,

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