Nothing could help the original grumpy old men, Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. Numbers 16 tells a sad and sordid tale of angry men bitter at God because they weren’t content with his blessings. For some reason this rebellion angered Moses so much that he went after Korah and “got up in his grill.” He called him out for not being satisfied with his privileged position in the Tabernacle as a son of Levi.
Despite his call for them to come up to the tabernacle and let God reveal his chosen leader only Korah agreed. Like those two nasty old men in the movie Dathan and Abiram stood by their tents and refused to obey Moses – and by extension God. As a result God told everyone to stand back and then crushed the rebellion – literally. God had the earth open up and swallow them and their cohorts.
Irrationality seems to be the norm even today because many claim to love the Lord, but refuse to obey him. Like Dathan and Abiram standing outside their tents they reject the simplest command of God to be baptized for the forgiveness of sins. Are you defiantly rebellious like those grumpy old men or do you obey like Jesus?