If the actions you’re taking are actually going to pay off? If all of your hard work is worth it? There are tell-tale signs, and I can say that it is so clear!
Truth is I still remember feeling lost few years ago (2015-2016) when I started my business and not knowing if anything I was doing was going to lead me anywhere.
Here are the Six Signs You Are Probably NOT On The Right Track!
Sign Number 1: You have so much work and it is so hard to do it.
Sign Number 2: You are constantly tired and not excited about what you do.
Sign Number 3: You are not in-flow. Feeling distractions all the time. Scroll hall effect - scrolling uncontrollably through the Instagram or Facebook feed for hours (even 30 min is already a sign).
Sign Number 4: Pushing hard through obstacles and not getting through them easily.
Sign Number 5: You are constantly watching the clock, time is passing very slow (a clear sign you are not on the right track).
Sign Number 6: Jealous or upset with people around you. This is just a mirror reflection of your inner doubts.
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