This video explains how the squatty potty and toilet posture affects your health. Western toilets cause health issues like constipation, haemorrhoids, pelvic floor issues, bladder issues, bloating and they don't help IBS. They do not put our body in the correct anatomical position for waste elimination.
We are designed biologically to squat with our knees higher than our hips during that part of our elimination process.
Your puborectalis muscle keeps a kink in your rectum at the end of your colon when you are standing or sitting to cause continence. This is a good design feature!
However, the only way to unkink your colon is to squat since this is the only position in which the puborectalis muscle fully relaxes. So when you squat in this muscle fully relaxes and the kink straighten and this allows for a more complete elimination without straining, which is the way it should be.
I've been a squatter for years, and can fully vouch for this.
Elimination of toxins and waste products is absolutely vital to your ongoing health so why not follow the more natural path and make this as easy and complete as possible.
Get yourself a Squatty Potty or equivalent. You and your body will be so glad you did.
This website has a light-hearted look at it:
This is the video I mentioned with the Unicorn:
Squatty Potty's website:
Ebay examples:
My videos on Mental and Physical health and wellbeing:
My book:
I have written a book on health and well-being. Nothing mainstream in here, just things I've observed and worked out that have helped me and others who have used the ideas.
You can read more about it here: