
Strange voice in found phone. Need advice!

Strange voice in found phone. Need advice! I found a phone that contained lots of useless audio and voices similar to US president voice. Need advice!

I found a white Samsung Galaxy J5 phone on G Street Northwest in the center of Washington last summer during my holiday. I asked people in the street about the phone, but nobody appeared to be the owner. Because there was no SIM card or SD card and the charging part was completely broken (I couldn't plug it into a laptop) it appeared that I can't find the owner straight away during my holiday. I didn't want to hand it in to the police either, so I took that phone with me, to my home in Philadelphia. I was engaged to get the info from the phone memory. The phone was quite old, but I am fancy about doing DIY's and mending things, so I started to repair it. It took me half a year on repairing and buying new parts.
So, I finally switched it on in January 2020. The phone worked properly, I was glad of it. I thought there is a lot of information such as contacts, photos, text notes so that I can even find the owner, but I was mistaken. There was nothing in contacts, empty gallery, there were no applications except the defaults. I also checked SMS availability, but they were empty too. After all, I thought it was a fatuous idea to mend the unknown phone spending so much time on it.
But after checking the Audio folder, I found that there were audios on the phone. A huge quantity of voice recordings with the coding format m4a. There were 98 voice recordings. I listened to some of the records. In most of them, there was nothing but noise and some kind of strange phone sounds. In some recordings, I heard a man-like voice amid the noise. I found the longest and the clearest one. Its name was Voice 023.
I uploaded it to my laptop, but because of a loud noise in the background, I didn't understand a word.I am not a native English speaker, but it sounded like some guy's talk to another.
So I posted a video on YouTube with that voice.
I think that this is the best record of all the strange audios on that phone.
Please help me understand what does that recordings mean.
I am afraid if that phone is important to somebody and I will be jailed because of hacking it or something.
Please give advice!



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