
TNI AL Indonesia Berjaya, Building a Suitable Navy Posture for Indonesia’s Navy Future Fleet

TNI AL Indonesia Berjaya, Building a Suitable Navy Posture for Indonesia’s Navy Future Fleet Building a Suitable Navy Posture for Indonesia’s Navy Future Fleet

As Indonesia government consistently increase law enforcement on maritime and national sovereignty, increasing Jakarta’s influence consequently on regional defense and security in Indo-pacific Hemisphere which put Indonesia on the spotlight as the alternative choices for countries who don’t seek to take sides as global maritime influence race deepens between US and China.

Indonesia’s growing-but-silent influence in the region, indirectly strengthen the urgency of Indonesian Navy as Armed branch of Republic of Indonesia to act more in revitalizing the already-ageing fleet by replacing them and increasing the number fleet of primary combat and supporting vessel in order to maintain the defense and combat capability.

Specifically, to build a future posture of Indonesian Navy fleet that suits with Indonesia’s archipelagic condition, there has to be a formula to measure a suitable number of fleet that Indonesian Navy needs to achieve in the future with reasonable time. Variable such as type/classes of warship, role of the ship in the fleet, weaponry that equipped on board and ship range/coverage area and annual ship production output become fundamental formula to ease work of government in the future to projecting the number of fleets that needed for Indonesian navy, even projecting potential location of new naval base.

This initiative, not only evolving Indonesian navy combat capability but also fulfill the ideal posture of advanced, capable and sufficiently armed fleet to enforcing and asserts national interest domestically and abroad, toward a globally outward looking Blue Navy.

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News Military,Indonesian defense Military,New Indonesiam Fregate,New Technology Military,News Military Technology,New KCR TNI AL,

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