Hi guys, π
This is Sandeep and welcome to the let's learn English with Sandeep Sagar in this video we are going to learn some new linking words and phrases in Hindi that will help you to speak English so must watch and learn how to speak English
Daily use English sentences
Linking words and phrases words
Who is who in Hindi
What is what in Hindi
Supposed to in Hindi
When it comes to in Hindi
Nothing to do with in Hindi
Fed up with in Hindi
Turn out to be in Hindi
None other than in Hindi
The way in Hindi
In such a way that in Hindi
That is what in Hindi
That is how in Hindi
Daily use English words
Daily speaking English
English sentences for daily use
English sentences in Hindi
English kaise bole Jane
How to speak English
Long english sentence in Hindi
Short English sentences in Hindi
Learn English words
Aam bolchal ke English wakya
Roj bole Jane wale English sentences
Daily use English sentences in Hindi
After watching this video your English will be much better than before so must watch and learn how to speak English
#linkingwordsandphrasewords #whoiswho #whatiswhat #turnouttobe #noneotherthan #fedupwith #theway
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Thanks for watching keep watching and learning take care everyone.