
What is 5G? Is it truly harmful?

What is 5G? Is it truly harmful? Greetings! Join us as we discuss the in and out's of 5G, the views of it on it energetically, physical proof, science and spiritually. What the body goes through as the 5G radioactive waves hit it, the process during and what it looks to repair it? What feeds cancer? Where is 5G being targeted, for what purposes?

Follow this link to a 5G Technician:

Follow this link to an example of an EMF Meter:

Smart meter/WiFi cover, clothing/phone shielding etc.

Follow this link to Todd Deviney Author of "Expansion For Ascending Consciousness" Book Series speaks on 5G:

EMF and 5G information resources that include pamphlets for you to print in your community:

Metatron speaks about 5G in this short clip AURA session

For legal purposes: Aurora is not a licensed physician, please see your Doctor for health concerns.

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I am Aurora, a Seer, Quantum Alchemist, Channel to RA, the founder of AURA Hypnosis Healing, Certified QHHT Practitioner.

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All rights reserved and copyright by Rising Phoenix Aurora

5G,negative technology,implant,number 6,T-Mobile,cell phone companies,EMF reader,negative aliens,archons,5G and cancer,what feeds cancer,is 5G harmful,cancer,heal cancer,protect against 5G,vertigo,illness,radioactive,cancer cell,molecule,does 5G affect kids,

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