
A Few Minutes to Save the World

A Few Minutes to Save the World Stuart Scott quit his day job in 2008 to serve humanity and life on Earth full time as a climate change and eco-social strategist. Here is one of his first speeches at the UN climate talks, one of the 'intercessional' rounds of negotiations between the annual COPs, or Conferences Of Parties. Everything he said is as urgently relevant today as it was back then. But the climate talks have continued as a disingenuous ritual of 'kicking the can down the road', until now we are experiencing a climate emergency of huge proportions.
#ClimateEmergency #ActNow #DumpTrump

Stuart Scott,UNFCCC,climate,Guy McPherson,Paul Beckwith,Peter Wadhams,Donald Trump,denial,ecology,climate emergency,economics,fossil fuels,GHG,Extinction Rebellion,Greta Thunberg,

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