
China claims to be capable of winning the corona virus [ToTo Media]

China claims to be capable of winning the corona virus [ToTo Media] China claims to be capable of winning the corona virus


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China claims to be capable of winning the corona virus

“Since the outbreak of the new coronavirus outbreak, the Chinese government has taken the most comprehensive and strict measures of control and containment, with a high sense of responsibility for the health of people. People, "Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying spoke at a press conference on January 30.
"We have enough confidence and capacity to win the fight against disease," Hoa emphasized.
The statement by the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson came after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a global public health emergency due to the spread of corona virus outside of Chinese territory. Quoc.
According to the Hubei Health Commission, as of the end of January 30, 213 people have died from the corona virus. Meanwhile, the total number of infections across China is 9,356 cases. Outside of China, corona virus has also appeared in at least 19 other countries from Asia, the Middle East, Australia, North America and Europe.
According to Ms. Hoa Xuan Oanh, the Chinese authorities informed stakeholders and promptly shared the genome of the new strain of corona virus with openness, transparency and responsibility to deal with the disease with other countries.
"WHO and many countries have acknowledged and welcomed this effort," Ms. Hoa said.
A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman also confirmed that the country still liaises and works closely with WHO.
“WHO experts have recently made a field trip to Wuhan. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus also came to China and discussed with China about control of corona virus, ”Ms. Hoa added.
Referring to the WHO Director-General praising China's efforts and appreciating China's active contribution to the fight against the new corona virus, Ms. Xuan Xuan said China would continue to work with WHO. and other countries to ensure regional and global health security.
The US president reassured people about the corona virus
President Donald Trump on January 30 reassured Americans about the speed of the new corona virus.
"Hopefully it won't be as bad as some people think," Trump told a factory in Michigan, adding that the US administration is working closely with China to deal with the virus.
Although he did not say much about the disease that is likely to spread worldwide, Mr. Trump is still optimistic.
“We think we have very good (disease) control. We have very few problems in the US right now, only 5 cases are infected and all of these people are recovering successfully. However, we are still working closely with China and other countries, and we think this epidemic will end well. I can assure you that, ”Mr. Trump added.
In a Twitter comment on January 31, President Trump wrote: “Working closely with China and other countries on the corona virus outbreak. Only 5 people in the US, all recovered well.
The White House on January 29 announced that President Trump directed the formation of a corona virus task force led by Health Minister Alex Azar, to coordinate activities to deal with corona viruses through the Security Council. Nation.
According to Politico, Xinhua

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