
Does Your Website Contain This Critical Component?

Does Your Website Contain This Critical Component? Have you got a website that’s not performing as well as it should? Maybe you’re getting the traffic, but not getting the conversion?

A common mistake we see in a lot of websites is not being clear in the core purpose of the site. Your visitor has found your site, but once there doesn’t know what your business offers or what you want them to do next.

The purpose of your website needs to be as clear and concise as possible. The less clicks your visitors need to find what they’re looking for the better. So be clear in directing people to the right area of your site.

And here’s a bonus tip - if the purpose of your website is for the visitor to call you, then clearly place your phone number ‘above the fold’ on your website. No more guessing what to do next!

EBusiness Institute,Matt and Liz Raad,Digital Marketing,SEO Tips,

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