
Enlightenment: Why a thought never stays or rests at this Present Moment ?

Enlightenment: Why a thought never stays or rests at this Present Moment ? Why a thought never stays or rests at this Present moment?
A thought has no independent existence of its own.
It is either related to the past or with the future.
A thought can not stay at present moment,
because the present moment is open and limitless,
but the thought exists into close space,
as like past or tries to create a projected close space into the future.
For the thought to exist, it needs a closed and limited space,
because in openness it loses itself.
So you can not enter into openness with a limited, closed mind,
and this closed or limited mind always stays in the past,
or trying to project into the future,
and it feels comfortable when things are limited and certain.
The mind always becomes confused when one is exposed to many things at the same time.
The mind can not function in different directions at the same moment,
because it has to choose a direction,
and have to make the limited world in that direction,
where it can work and deal with things.
So this moment is directionless,
it is open and there is no choice because there is no comparison.
So it is extremely hard for the mind to work without any choice,
and live a present moment which is open, without any choices and directionless.
The mind has no flow,
and the mind can not cope with such an ever-changing present moment,
so that is the reason that the mind easily became confused and frustrated if it did not find any proper direction.
So that is the reason, one is trying to give and make any purpose of life to direct his mind,
otherwise mind feels itself into a panic.

This chaos, panic, confusion is due to the limitation of mind rather than the unknowing of life.
Panic, confusion comes, because one is limited.

So one is running from chaos, confusion,
and try to catch a spot where there is a certainty,
where there is a surety,
where there is a guarantee,
so one has created a self-limited tiny world of himself,
where things are known to him,
where choice is already entertained,
where things look certain and guaranteed,
where self-limited laws are made to regulate himself.

On one hand, the mind tries to run from confusion and chaos but on the other hand,it moves towards suffering and miseries by limiting itself.
The mind has created its own path into its limited world,
where the mind rotates around one and the same point.
Chaos and confusion are part of growth. In the bang of the universe, initially, there was confusion and chaos but then out of it comes clarity. One can notice chaos at market places but after some time everyone moves towards their own houses.
A thought never enters into this present moment and thought will never understand this limitless universe.
It is only this bubble bursts and when lightning strikes.

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