
Fr. Marlin Connole Proclaims The Utmost Importance Of Using The Human Tongue For Speaking Charitably

Fr. Marlin Connole Proclaims The Utmost Importance Of Using The Human Tongue For Speaking Charitably In the homily on Wednesday, Fr. Connole explains that both Mass Readings, the Book of James and the Gospel of Mark, provide spiritual insight and wisdom on the proper use and restraint, when using the human tongue for speaking.

Quoting from the Book of James, Fr. Connole proclaims to the faithful:
"If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue
but deceives his heart, his religion is vain."

To apply the Sacred Scriptures to real life in the modern world, Fr. Connole shares the following experience he had during his early years as a Priest:
Fr. Connole was assigned to a parish as an Associate Priest. This was Fr. Connole's second assignment as an Associate Priest. The Pastor of the parish was a very nice man. One evening Fr. Connole went to talk to the Pastor regarding a particular parishioner that Fr. Connole was very annoyed with. As Fr. Connole talked to the Pastor, Fr. Connole said he really complained about the parishioner, "I just railed into that parishioner." The Pastor sat quietly and listened. Then, after Fr. Connole stopped speaking, the Pastor said, "Marlin, that's interesting, that parishioner speaks so highly of you." At that point, Fr. Connole was speechless.

In conclusion, Fr. Connole says the experience with the Pastor entwined with the proclamation from the Book of James, has helped Fr. Connole, throughout the years, to bridle his tongue.

Fr. Marlin Connole,Fr Connole Sacred Heart Church,Fr Connole use the human tongue to speak charitably,Fr Connole bridle your tongue,Fr Connole palm desert,

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