
Intention To The Flow Meditation #1

Intention To The Flow Meditation #1 Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Listen to my voice that flows by as a breeze , making you feel more relaxed and calm with each word you hear.

Take in a really slow and deep breath, holding it in at the top for as long as you can….and then letting the air escape freely.

Breathe in and out.

Not trying too hard to change your breath, just let it be relaxed and comfortable ...

Breathe in and out ...

Inhaling peace and exhaling relaxation………breathe in and out…..…inhale peacefulness, and exhale relaxation.

Continue breathing as you, you will notice how all other things that are going on around you don’t seem to matter at all when you focus fully on your breathing.

Focus again on your breath.

Notice the quality of it…… is it slow and shallow, or is it deep and profound?

Inhale deeply and exhale just once, feeling that wave of relaxation again.

Now use your imagination and visualize a set of stairs descending in front of you ...

You are at the top of the staircase looking down, and when you begin to walk down these steps, you will be so very deeply relaxed that the words I say to you will go deeply into your mind, allowing you to have extreme focus whenever you need to.

Begin walking down the stairs and as you go, you are getting more and more into the flow ...

10…..9……8…..7……6……stepping down……5……closer to focus……4……3…..2……1…..0.

As you step off the last step, you step into white sand.

Its warm and soft under your feet.

Just feel the sensations in your feet on the sand.

Now look up and all you see is more sand in front of you, but you can hear the ocean.

Walk towards the sound of the ocean.

As you’re walking you can feel the sun on your skin … a feeling of a warm gentle breeze ....

You notice the smell of the salty air.

And as you’re looking around you see the ocean peek over the sand dune.

You’re walking towards the ocean now and you get to the shore where the ocean meets the sand, and you see little waves coming up and down …. up and down.

And as the waves come and go, you see things in the sand like shells, pieces of seaweed…your own footprints…and you see a little piece of driftwood that’s the perfect size for writing in the sand.

Pick up this driftwood, now draw the word „Flow“ into the sand.

Write out each letter, noticing the sound that it makes as you scratch it thr ough the sand. Good.

Now step back and look at it and feel it … imagine warm fuzzy feelings of joy and confidence the word brings.

Now continue walking along your beach, noticing the surroundings.

The sounds you hear … seabirds flying over … warm wind gently blowing … you can feel the warm sun on your skin … the feel of the sand beneath your feet … it feels nice and soft.

You can even notice the smell of the ocean.

Take a moment and look out into the ocean.

Watch the horizon and how the ocean meets the sky.

This is the most beautiful scene you’ve ever witnessed.

As you gaze along the big blue, you feel as one ... one with the waves ... one with the sky … one with the space around you … everything flows … you flow ... with it … together … as one.

Now slowly come back … I will count up from 5 one to 1 and with each number I say you will be more alert and ready to flow.


When you are ready, open you eyes.

intention,meditation,flow state,trigger,flowcode,flow,

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