
International student stranded in Wuhan describes scene in coronavirus-hit city

International student stranded in Wuhan describes scene in coronavirus-hit city We wanted to hear what life is currently like in Wuhan, the Chinese city at the heart of the coronavirus crisis, from an international student studying there.
Considering the sensitive situation in China right now and as he's close to finishing his PhD at a university of Wuhan, we'd rather not jeopardize his safety or studies by revealing his full identity or showing his face.
"M" has lived in Wuhan for the past three years or so.
His school has also warned international students about giving such interviews so we are treating this as sensitively as possible and want to protect his identity.
We are joined live by "M",... a student still living in Wuhan.
"M" thanks for joining us. Firstly, how are you feeling? Your health is ok?
We've been seeing pictures and video of Wuhan looking like a ghosttown/a city on lockdown, what have you been doing to pass the time and what's the atmosphere like?
Are you allowed to leave the house for brief periods of time to get the basic necessities food and water, etc?
Prior to the city being put on lockdown, did people in Wuhan suspect something odd was happening? Did you see people steadily getting sick... because the lockdown came out of the blue.
There has been talk that the actual numbers of confirmed cases of coronavirus is much higher than the Chinese authorities are letting on, from your own experience, do you think that might be the case?
You are from an African country, have you been in close contact with your embassy and are there plans to evacuate you?
What about your family at home? How concerned are they and have you been able to stay in touch with them?
Ok, that's where we have to leave it. Thanks for agreeing to share your story, we know it isn't easy to do so in China, especially at this time. We'll stay in touch. Stay healthy and get home safe and sound. Thank you.
That was "M" a PhD student still stuck in Wuhan, the locked-down epicenter of the coronavirus.

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