IN this video, I talk about the cause of sense of lack that everyone feels within themselves. Blaise Pascal, the French Mathematician and Catholic theologian said, There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of every person, and it can never be filled by any created thing. It can only be filled by God. Now what did he really mean when he said that? He was actually pointing to the sense of lack that exists in the heart of every human being. Every person no matter who or what he is, feels that there is something which he lacks in his life and if he gets it, it would give him the true and lasting satisfaction and make him feel absolutely fulfilled, but unfortunately this sort of fulfillment doesn't last long. Just have a close look at your life and see for how long the sense of fulfillment really lasted when you got something that you thought would give you that lasting satisfaction. The Ultimate Truth is that true and lasting satisfaction can be got only when you realize the Truth of your being, only when you know who you really are beyond the body mind complex. The big mansions, the big cars, the big post in your job, and all the material things that everyone is after, have no power whatsoever to give you that lasting satisfaction, to give you that eternal peace that your whole being craves for. Even those who are filthy rich have that sense of lack, and they just can't figure out why do they feel that way, why do they have this sense of lack despite having everything that they can ask for. They live in the big mansions, drive in the most expensive cars, have a say in the corridors of power, but still that true and lasting satisfaction remains ever elusive for them. It's because they don't know, they are completely and totally unaware of the fact that what they are after is actually within them, what they are seeking in the external world can be found only within themselves, only when they realize their Immortal Divine Nature. For more, kindly watch my video.
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I've used Sadhguru's content in my video with his kind permission.
About Sadhguru: Sadhguru, a yogi and profound mystic of our times, is a visionary humanitarian and a prominent spiritual leader. A contemporary Guru, rooted as strongly in mundane and pragmatic matters as he is in inner experience and wisdom, Sadhguru works tirelessly towards the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all. His mastery of the mechanisms of life, an outcome of his profound experience of the Self, guides in exploring the subtler dimensions of life.
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