
Substance Painting Best Practices and Wear Maps for the Warsaw Project - 2 | 20| 2020

Substance Painting Best Practices and Wear Maps for the Warsaw Project - 2 | 20| 2020 00:00 – 11:00 The difference between the new ‘wear’ pipeline and the ‘standard’ pipeline in Unity and the channels of the textures.
11:00 – 14:20 Folder structures for saving models and important of exporting only FBX files, directory structure for saving substance files and textures.
14:20 - 17:20 How to install the Unity Warsaw Wear Template for Substance Painter to automatically setup proper channels in a new project
17:20 – 18:00 Setting up your shader in Substance Painter to show transparency if you are working with an object that needs it
18:00 – 20:57 Installing the custom config files for exporting wear textures in Substance Painter and an explanation of how the channels are setup in the configuration manager
620:57 – 24:59 Example when trying to setup an change an existing substance project to work with the wear pipeline where you can’t use the template we have provided and need to add the channels manually to the texture set settings
24:59 – 30:30 Example of starting a completely new project with a new model.
30:30 – 39:01 Example of bad UVs in a model and fixing them
39:01 – 42:45 Explanation of UV spacing considerations between UV sets / islands and Mip maps
10) 42:45 – 44:48 Reimporting models that have been fixed when you have an existing project in Substance Painter
44:48 – 45:50 Baking your Model so it works with Substance Materials and Masks
45:50 – 49:13 Example of texturing model and creating separate folders for when the model isn’t aged
49:13 – 55:12 Creating the wear channel information, viewing it in the viewport and tips one making them fast by using ambient occlusion and smart masks
55:12 – 57:25 Exporting the non-worn textures for the model
57:25 – 1:03:04 Creating the worn version of the model
1:03:04 – 1:04:04 Exporting the worn textures for the model
1:04:04 – 1:10:20 Example loading model and textures into Unity for viewing

This video is meant for students working on the Warsaw Project at Rowan University.
If you are a student working on the Warsaw project, this video will explain the Wear pipeline in Unity, how channels are packed into textures, setting up Substance Painter Templates and Configuration files, some examples with UV unwrapping, packing, spacing, Mipmaps, wear map creation, exporting textures and setup inside of Unity.

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Unity and Substance Painter,Wear Maps,Custom Channels,Export Configurations,Warsaw Project,Warsaw Poland,Best Practices,Unity,Substance Painter,UVs,Unwrapping,Mipmaps,User Data,Rowan University,

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