
The Deal of the Century and God's Indignation. NEXT: Economic Collapse and Sudden Destruction

The Deal of the Century and God's Indignation. NEXT: Economic Collapse and Sudden Destruction A plan that our enemy, Satan, has been working on for centuries has started execution - just as shown to us through predictive programming - and this includes even the coronavirus pandemic. The media which he uses as a predictive programming tool has shown us events for decades that are now happening before our eyes. This fact alone should have every person who considers the information in this video think twice about their understanding with regards to the Word of God, which instructs us to watch for the return of our Bridegroom and looking for events that are described in the Bible that would point us to our unification with our Savior.

There are many who will hold to their dogmas and views without looking carefully at what the Word of God says in which we see how a Pre-Tribulation Rapture is modelled after the harvest and Temple models that are given to us to understand this. If you have not considered these yet, you have very little time to do so and to be a Berean in this regard. A link is provided to a series below in which this is carefully laid out.

This coming weekend could be one of the most important weekends since the resurrection of the Son of God, Jesus Christ!

Resolving the Contention:

We have a small window of opportunity that I would consider the highest watch time of our lifetime approaching and this could really be it, given how much emphasis our enemy has placed on this window of time as well. I hope you will be watching with me and that we will all be falling before the feet of our Saviour with me over the next days and hours.

Keep looking up and may our Heavenly Father bless you for considering this information!

Link to website with Brexit Note that was sent to all MPs in the British Parliament:

If you would like to support me and help to get this information out to others through social media, you are welcome to do so at the following link. Your support is greatly appreciated:

Some other videos that may be of interest:

Latest video:

Previous video with additional information:

Previous video on Trump's Impeachment:

Previous video about the sign of Jonah:

What the Word of God has to say about the Resurrection of the Dead:

Below is a video in which you can see what has been done to the economy and why the status is so critical at this point:

Imminent Financial Collapse:

Salvation video:

I Pet Goat 2 Video:

If you would like to contact me, you can do so at the e-mail address below:


Deal of the Century
coronavirus pandemic
predictive programming
Trump Impeachment
Calm Before the Storm
Articles of Impeachment
Brexit January 31st
January 20th
No-deal Brexit
Martin Luther King Day
Middle East Peace Plan
New World Order
When the time is right
This is the way
Israeli Elections
Iran tension
Brexit Disaster
virus outbreak

#CoronaOutbreak #Tribulation #GreatEscape

Brexit,predictive programming,bible prophecy,Brexit Rapture,mecca attacked,mecca destroyed,world war 3,ww3,new world order,markets plunge,war coverage,false flag attack,false flag event,stealth bombers mecca,wuhan virus,virus outbreak,coronavirus,

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