
Wearable Computer क्या होता है ? जानिए फायदे और नुकसान । Use करने से पहले किन बातो का ध्यान रखे ।

Wearable Computer क्या होता है ? जानिए फायदे और नुकसान । Use करने से पहले किन बातो का ध्यान रखे । A wearable computer, also known as a wearable or body-borne computer is a small computing device worn on the body. The definition of 'wearable computer' may be narrow or broad, extending to smartphones or even ordinary wristwatches.
Wearables are typically worn on the wrist (e.g. fitness trackers), hung from the neck (like a necklace), strapped to the arm or leg (smartphones when exercising), or on the head (as glasses or a helmet), though some have been located elsewhere (e.g. on a finger or in a shoe). Devices carried in a pocket or bag – such as smartphones and before them pocket calculators and PDAs, may or may not be regarded as 'worn'.
Wearable computers have various technical issues common to other mobile computing, such as batteries, heat dissipation, software architectures, wireless and personal area networks, and data management. Many wearable computers are active all the time, e.g. processing or recording data continuously.


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