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Hi Pirates!
Online Courses seem to get such a bad wrap these days. To be honest, I completely understand why. Fake Shopify gurus, no vetting of experience, fake screenshots of results, the list goes on...
But today, I don't want to focus on the negatives - I want to focus on the positives of taking an Online Course.
Recently, I was reminded of their value. Now, in this instance - it wasn't necessarily an online course - it was a YouTube video. But, we can take away the same learnings
You see, I am always in this love / hate relationship with YouTube. I can sit for hours watching videos, and the next video looks a lot more enticing sometimes than the next task I need to complete in my actual business.
So I watch videos only at certain parts of my day. While I am eating, while I have my fresh morning coffee, and before I go to bed.
At least that's what I try and stick to.
So, you can imagine the guilt I'm feeling when I don't have a coffee, I'm not eating, it's 11am and I am 40 minutes into a YouTube video with no work crossed off for the day.
BUT...good this is it's usually work related (it's good when you love what you do for work).
So, I'm here watching this video, at 11am, with a whole lot of other stuff I'm suppose to be doing, but I am learning about funnels so it's all good.
It's a video with Trey Lewellen and Tanner Larssen (sorry, I know I kooked it in my video here and said Steve Larssen by mistake - sorry Tanner!).
They're talking funnels with ClickFunnels and how Tanner had moved from ClickFunnels over to Shopify and was running traffic using funnel addons for Shopify now instead of ClickFunnels.
These guys both run big numbers so they have a lot of test data they're working with when they run these tests and the changes they make to their funnels and stores have massive impacts on their bottom line.
I think (from what I saw in the video) Tanner manages the funnels for Organifi (who from googling was doing 25 million a year in 2016).
They were talking about small changes they'd made with their funnels and Tanner mentioned that he was pre-checking the Order bump and seeing it DOUBLE in it's uptake rate.
CLICK! Seriously, my brain instantly said "holy S@$F I need to do this).
So, I went over to ClickFunnels, wrote a bit of Javascript and ran an A/B test.
As you'll see in this video, I got my order bump DOUBLING in uptake from about 30% up to 70%.
That's 70% of all orders coming through my frontend offer giving me an extra $4.95 per order.
Say you have 100 orders a day - that's a lot of extra $$
Now, you've read this far and you're probably thinking - yeah, this is cool, but what does this have to do with online courses?
This 1 think will make me a lot of extra profit and it was buried in a 1 hour FREE YouTube video. Say I paid $1000 for an online course and heard this 1 thing - I would make more than $1000 and it would have made the course worth it - even if the actual course was rubbish.
When you look to buy an online course, it's good to approach it with the thinking - what ROI will I get from it. Will it
- save me time worth more than the price of the course?
- make me more money than I pay for the course
Yep! not only is $$ your benchmark for ROI, but time could also be ROI indicator too.
Anyway, I thought this was cool and something I wanted to point out.
We're living in an age now where anyone can create an online course, and make people are seemingly creating courses even if they haven't actually DONE the business model themselves. Or some people scale 1 product and then move into selling courses.
I wanted to make this video to let you know that you shouldn't be put off actually jumping into a course that you believe is going to offer you value, as there are a lot of courses out there with little gems that make it all worth your time and money.
That's me for today,
Happy selling!
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🔥 Scale To 10K/Day Dropshipping using ClickFunnels in 2020 | Scaling Facebook Ads
🔥 Scale your Dropshipping Store to 20K per day with Facebook Ads in 2020
🔥 Scaling to 100K In 30 Days | Inside My Dropshipping Ad Account | Facebook Ads Tips And Tricks