
Why Life Is Short - The Nature Of Life, Death and The Ego [Including Kobe Bryant Tribute]

Why Life Is Short - The Nature Of Life, Death and The Ego [Including Kobe Bryant Tribute] Why is life so short? In this video I talk about the nature of life, death the impermanence of the ego and the passing of Kobe Bryant. I talk about why life is short, why we can't take anything for granted and what happens when we die.

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Welcome to Open Your Reality. I’m Chad. I haven’t posted a video this week because, well, it’s been a rough one emotionally. On the day I posted my last video, which was January 26, Kobe Bryant passed away, which I’m sure you’re well aware. I’m going to be talking life, death and the impermanence of the ego in this one, with some random thoughts mixed in.

You probably don’t know that I’m a sports guy and was a big fan of Kobe. So that death hit me hard, as it did for millions of people. What made it worse was that a few days before the Kobe death, a friend of mine passed away from complications with a massive stroke he recently suffered. He was 72 and had lived a full life. It’s odd though, because he was completely fine one day and practically gone the next. I attended his funeral a few days ago and reflected on the transient nature of our existence, which is quite fragile, and something that I’ve only learned in time with age. You know when you’re young you often feel invincible.

Anyway, if two deaths weren’t enough in the last week, just yesterday an acquaintance of mine suffered a tragedy. His son, who was only 29, blew his brains out. I don’t know the details, but a mutual friend relayed the general story to me. I didn’t want to press for details, as I’m sure they’ll come out in time. Nobody ever said life is easy.

It’s just a part of life that as you get older, more and more people you know die. That’s just the way it is. But from a simulation theory perspective, we also need to realize that death is not final. Look, I don’t want to make this into a very sad video, but I brought up these tragedies because I wanted to demonstrate a point.

And that point is that life is not permanent, time is precious and we cannot take anything for granted. We’re allotted a certain amount of time in this world, and the point of life, at least from the perspective of MBT theory, and in my own opinion, is not merely to hang out and have fun and amass money and material possessions, but to learn, grow and evolve the quality of our consciousness. That’s what we’re truly here. And if we keep that thought in the back of our minds, we’ll all be better for it.

You know, we all despair over the loss of the people we loved and impacted us. Kobe touched many people and the reaction to his death has been quite resounding and well-deserved. I think it’s because he truly inspired so many people and also brought them together.

The personality and ego that is Kobe will never be relived again. I just want to set that straight. Once a personality is lived out, which MBT calls a free-will awareness unit, it basically returns to its higher self and recalibrates and then plans out the next life. I know that might go over the head of some of those listening. Here’s the important thing to know. When someone dies, their consciousness doesn’t die with them.

Only the body stops living. And if that’s true, which it is, you may wonder where their consciousness goes right after death? It really depends on the circumstances of the death. But for almost everyone, their consciousness will eventually merges with their higher self, which is the larger part of us that is immortal and ever-evolving.

Now why would something so tragic happen to such a great person, his 13-year-old daughter Gianna, and the seven other people on the helicopter? To answer that, it’s important to realize that this world we inhabit is not deterministic. Things are not planned out in detail and then carried out by some force, like God, even though this is what many people believe.

Actually, our world is a probabilistic and evolving one. This means there is always the possibility of something dangerous happening, however, remote it may be. Unfortunately, Kobe met his end due to a pilot error that could have been avoided.

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