
YDB Evidence for Catastrophe: Hall's Cave TX, Santa Rosa CA -Kosmographia018.2 with Randall Carlson

YDB Evidence for Catastrophe: Hall's Cave TX, Santa Rosa CA -Kosmographia018.2 with Randall Carlson Kosmographia The Randall Carlson Podcast episode 018.2 with the Snake Brothers – Kyle and Russ, and GCREX admin Bradley, from 12/30/19. On New Year’s Eve – eve, prior to a new decade 2020, RC reveals his vision of what may be the culprit for repeated catastrophes, and especially most recently the Younger Dryas Boundary events, then gets into the details of a couple of the early papers in support of the YDIH – from Hall’s Cave, Texas, and Santa Rosa of the Channel Islands off the coast of southern California, which were all one landmass with the Ice Age lowered sea level. In addition to mammoths, abundant impact proxies, and flood sediments, they found bones from a female that may have perished in the catastrophe…

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All-inclusive YDIH pro/con research bibliography:

Summary notes/topics:
Series of disintegrations of a 60-100 mile wide comet as it passes by anything with a gravity field will pull it apart resulting in a trail of debris that could be millions of Tunguska size objects
Could be multiple episodes as an object orbiting between the sun and Jupiter as breaks apart
Clube and Napier speculated bombardment epochs every 100k years or so
Effects to atmosphere last longer as passing, and also slightly perturbs orbit so it may impact
Douglas Kennett in PNAS v106 (2009) “Shock-synthesized hexagonal diamonds in YDB sediments”
Occur in discrete layer contemporaneous with organic-rich sedimentary layers described across NA
Rapid accumulation of fluvial deposits right after… What’s source of water? Torrential rains
Channel Islands off southern California coast were connected during period of lowered sea levels
T. W. Stafford at AGU (Fall ’09) “Testing Younger Dryas ET Impact (YDB) Evidence at Hall’s Cave, Texas” (backyard of Snake Bros!) Distinct impact and wildfire proxies at chronostratigraphic marker
Russ reads that 62 mammals and 48+ non-mammal species have been found inside; collapsed 16ka and that’s when deposition started so many layers have been clearly dated
Graph from Anders Carlson in Geology (2010) “What Caused the YD Cold Event?” Nitrates and ammonium, which are proxies for wildfires, show spikes during the YD – several of them!
Graph of Sea level and ammonium linked, also from Carlson (with other references noted, GSA)
Almost periodic: 330-340 / 240-250 / 130-140 / YD at 13
Would obscure/erase/eliminate evidence for earlier catastrophe – most recent easiest to see
Kennett group took samples from Arlington Canyon, west wall, that found nano-diamonds and layers were immediately overtopped by floods sediments (Santa Rosa Island)
Larry Agenbroad on find of pygmy mammoths, which led to recovering a female’s fossils – could be oldest human remains ever found in North America – from LA Times article in 1987
Figments of their culture all over the continent, but where are all the bones/human remains?
Her bones found in flood sediments and dated right at YDB window
Was she a victim of the catastrophe? And were there others?
Should also look at the skeptics and critics who are claiming it’s all b-s basically
Start with Mark Boslough 2012 paper “Arguments and Evidence Against the YDIH”
They do make some valid points, though don’t agree with conclusions – this is how science works
Put into context that we’re in the middle of perpetrating one of the 5 Great Mass Extinctions
Have a better understanding how severe those were, compared to what’s happening now
Be in a better position to evaluate if what’s going on is comparable to any of those
Why were some of these teams not able to replicate the results? Good example of science in action
CosmicTusk has the all-inclusive YDIH bibliography, and RC has earlier work that was vectoring to it
Critical articles with their titles exuding “snorts of derision”

Kosmographia logo and design animation by Snake Bros:
Theme music by Fifty Dollar Dynasty:
Editing and publishing by Bradley Young with YSI Productions LLC (copyrights)


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