Try meditation, yoga and brain games to increase your focus and improve concentration. If we do any work without focus [without 100%effort], even after its completion, it somehow becomes unsatisfying and we start doubting ourselves. If we give 100%, then the negative feedback doesn’t shake our confidence. In another way, it helps to improve and rectify the improvements. You can get anything done with discipline, intense focus, and patience.
Success is really a demanding, high-maintenance wife needing absolute dedication and single-minded pursuit. She won’t tolerate half-hearted work and laziness. Why do you always have to wish, if you want something in your life to change or dream to achieve then stop wishing and dreaming- Just Get Started and Get Going Now! Develop a sharp, unwavering focus and clear vision to reach your goals. Prepare your mind for such a space where every distraction fades away.
Don’t think too much about life, what will happen and what has happened. Take one step at a time towards your goals. Discipline and consistency are all that it takes.
Those successful people in their respective fields have proven again and again that focus, a healthy mind makes their work easy. The successful people have stuck on the basics like discipline, focus, persistence, always learning. Football star Cristiano Ronaldo says, “We have money, cars, we have everything. But you don’t know we suffer to achieve this… I have become the person I am today because of the time I spent going through difficult times”.
Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian swimmer of all time said, “Eat, Sleep, and Swim. That’s all I can do.”There are no excuses and no shortcuts which every successful person has proven again and again. To be successful in your field do whatever is necessary and increase your focus just to achieve it. Perks it brings with it are amazing from fame, money to freedom.
Coaches make sure that their students are not distracted before the big tournament. They strictly don’t allow mobiles, no junk food, no holiday/party plans. Small distractions have consequences and cause a delay in the completion of work. Plan everything around work routines. If you are chasing success, sharp focus and rigorous practice are a must. Film stars, models, sports icons and even the writers’ demands focused dedication.
For success, physical and mental fitness is as much important as talent and hard work.
Big names like Virat Kohli, Indra Nooyi, Richard Branson, Jack Dorsey, Narendra Modi, Tim Cook, Akshay Kumar have said that they begin their day early in the morning. It’s not an option; it’s a discipline to maximize productivity in a smart way.
Fear of success has caused unwilling people to not give up comfort lives because it demands sacrifice from them. If you try you can be successful, if you don’t, you might be stuck in the same place and watch others make big in their field. Once, you are sure of your goal, consider everything else a distraction. Start your work first thing in the morning and don't distract, until you complete your work. Develop discipline and get obsessive about routines.
Nurture patience and focus on long-term gains, improve concentration.
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#Focus #selfdevelopment