Kubernetes Ingress: Do More with Less - Sudipta Biswas & Monotosh Das, VMware
The present ingress object semantics are too trivial and the Loadbalancer implementing traffic rules using this object have resorted to annotations or completely new CRD objects to express these rules better. Some of these load balancing features can be looked at as completely operator driven which means it can be debated if they should really be part of the same enhanced ingress object. In this talk, we would look at the importance of the Ingress object, it's journey and evolution, how it morphed in projects like Istio/Contour and the ingress v2 feature being worked in the community. The fine balance of keeping it simple for the developers to use and yet allowing the operators to control the essential knobs. Additionally, we would look how the ingress object plays a crucial role in the multi-cluster future spread across geographies.