
New Horizons Found Something Strange on Pluto

New Horizons Found Something Strange on Pluto New Horizons found lots of interesting things about the previously unexplored Pluto. The former planet is home to ice-mountains floating in nitrogen, methane-ice towers as big as sky scrapers and maybe even a subsurface ocean!

It's moon, Charon, was also explored by New Horizons and has some strange features. Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Stix were chartered by the probe.

After studying the Pluto system, New Horizons blasted off into the Kupier belt, to study Ultima Thule. New Horizons is still going, nearing the edge of the solar system.

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Credit: NASA/JPL/Galileo/Universities

pluto,new horizons,pluto strange,charon,

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