

THE WORST PLACE TO LEARN HOW TO SUCCEED AS A NEW REALTOR - KEVIN WARD Go to to get more information about Kevin Ward's upcoming 3-Day Agent Mastery Live.

Where should you go if you want to learn how to succeed as a real estate agent?

The 4 worst places:

From everyone. Stop listening to everyone’s advice on YouTube and social media, because 80% of those people aren’t successful.

Non-producing agents. Don’t listen to agents who don’t have the income you want.
Facebook groups for new agents. With thousands of people in a Facebook group, not everyone can help you be successful.

Real estate licensing schools. They help you get a license, but don’t help you succeed.

The best places:

Mentors. Learn from people who have the kind of success you want to have.
Broker Trainers. Find top producers in your office. Shadow them. Go with them on listing appointments.

A Great Coach. Find a coach who has helped other people succeed, and be coachable. Go to

An immersive event environment. Being around pros is the best and fastest way to learn. You’re getting not only the information, but also the support of people around you. When your emotion is high, your learning increases dramatically.

If you want to elevate your game quicker, join me for 3 days at Agent Mastery Live 2020. Learn and implement what I’ll train you to do, and watch how it transforms your life. Get your ticket NOW at

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Learn How To Get More Real Estate Leads, More Listings, More Sales, with Less Resistance

Kevin Ward is a real estate coach, speaker, and trainer at and #1 Bestselling author of "The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide."


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