
Unusual Animal Behavior in Coronavirus Epicenter

Unusual Animal Behavior in Coronavirus Epicenter Background: Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province, is where the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) originated from. Social media users in Hubei Province reported numerous sightings of unusual animal behaviors during the coronavirus outbreak, and want to know why such things are happening.

Someone provided a possible answer as to why large numbers of crows were observed in Hubei.

“The crow is a carrion-eater. The elderly say that crows seem to anticipate death because they can smell it, even before a person dies. In other words, they can smell the odor of a dying person; but we humans cannot,” he wrote. “They will then circle around this person waiting for him to die. That is why in Chinese culture, crows are considered inauspicious and are always linked with death.”

Video #1

Location: Wuhan City, Hubei Province
Description: A huge flock of crows

Video #2
Location: Yichang City, Hubei Province
Man in the background: Oh my God, it is said that abnormal scenes predict something unusual is about to happen.

Video #3
Location: Jingzhou City, Hubei Province

Video #4
Location: Wuhan City, Hubei Province
Description: Fish Jump Out of Water

Man in the background: Did you see that? Those who came to fish only need to pick them up. Absolutely free. Just pick them up. Take as many as you can. So many fish are jumping out of the water. Our current location is Xinhe Bridge. These fish are getting crazy. They are insane. Pick them up directly. They all jumped out. Did you see that? Have you ever seen such a scene before?

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Coronavirus,The Epoch Times,China News,Wuhan,COVID19,武漢,Hubei,武汉,Coronavirus China,武漢肺炎,武汉肺炎,新冠肺炎,新冠病毒,crows,unusual scene,

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