Toddler has always enjoyed going to @walmart and explore various toys that he gets to see and play. And we end up buying one thing or the other, but he always has fun with his parents at Walmart.
This time when we went, we found an open box of icecream pack which someone had opened and left it at different spots. We told Zaynn the importance of putting things back at its place inside the store and not opening the toys that are packed. He helped us find the ice cream that had been scattered at various shelves. We were successful finding two of it but other two were missing. During the process of finding and putting back at its place we did a pretend play of icecream shop where Zaynn wanted us to have straweberry flavor and icecream flavor.We had fun time doing pretend play ice cream shop and also play with the toy sword, it was so exciting.
During the process we learnt and explored various things. We learnt not to open packed items at the store. We learnt about various Disney toys such as lion king etc. I hope enjoy this video as much as we enjoyed making it.